exist to provide high quality goods from around the world to your front door, while giving back to all communities around the globe. We do this because God has overfilled our cups with blessings. The greatest show of thanks and respect for being blessed and favored, is to help those who are the most vulnerable while sharing the love of Jesus. We strive to make sure that every person knows they are loved.
The 21 Tenets we do business and live by,
1: We seek and merit God's help first and foremost.
2: We never compromise with honesty.
3: Integrity will be our measure of personal and professional value.
4: Be orderly in person and in work.
5: We maintain and keep positive attitudes.
6: We are grateful for all our blessings, big and small.
7: When possible, we obtain counsel of others before acting.
8: Defend those who are absent.
9: Hear both sides before judging.
10: Be sincere, yet decisive.
11: Do not fear mistakes, fear only not learning from them.
12: Plan tomorrow's work today.
13: Hustle while waiting.
14: Keep a good sense of humor.
15: Trust God in everything.
16: Always make time for the Bible and family.
17: Be a good steward of personal and professional finances.
18: Always be learning.
19: We treat our bodies as temples to God.
20: Enduring injury with patience and without resentment.
21: Replace criticism with compassion.